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Anglesea Hotel | Klein’s Anglesea Hotel

Klein’s Anglesea Hotel


The Anglesea Hotel is located on the Surf Coast along the famous Great Ocean Road. Situated in the center of town, the hotel is within walking distance to the Main Street, river and beach. It’s a perfect place for a mid afternoon drink, a meal with the family or a night out with friends. Come and check out our public bar, TAB, bistro with a kids play area, function room, beer garden and Thirsty camel bottleshop. Our friendly staff look forward to seeing you soon! Great food, cold drinks and always a good time!

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Bottle Shop Open Daily from 11am
Anglesea Hotel Services

Klein’s Anglesea Hotel


Trading Hours | Bottle Shop Open From 11am

Checkout Our Bar!

Klein’s Anglesea Hotel

Our Food Lovers

Klein’s Anglesea Hotel

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Klein’s Anglesea Hotel

Venue and Function Enquiries